Over more than 25 years of clinical research and treatment of CFS, the Cheney Clinic’s philosophy has evolved from pharmaceutical interventions to what many believe is the next frontier of medical science: genetic expression modulation or transformation of human gene expression or even the genome itself.
Our treatment philosophy focuses on an individualized, multidimensional approach using many traditional elements along with a strong focus on cutting-edge attempts to shift gene expression. We also have investigated shifting the corrupted genotype using stem cells.
Where we differ most from other clinics that specialize in chronic fatigue syndrome is in our emphasis on the biological terrain over which this illness plays itself out, rather than symptom remedies or treating a dubious possible cause or abnormal test result.
We believe the greatest leverage on biological terrain lies at the level of gene expression and its effects. In that leverage lies great power to effect change and a better outcome.
Our highly individualized and multidimensional treatment steps do the following:
- Protect vital organ systems, especially the brain and gut.
- Scavenge or downregulate important mediators of oxidative stress.
- Use common and novel redox shifters to inhibit intracellular pathogens and improve enzyme function.
- Improve cellular energetics with mammal-derived myocardial cell signaling factors (epigenetic transformation), and follow changes over time using advanced, all digital echocardiography.
- Improve key organ system function through both pharmaceutical, nutriceutical, dietary and epigenetic algorithms, especially regarding the brain, gut, heart, pancreas, liver and kidney.
- Expand the treatment envelope through wider epigenetic and with luck, soon-to-come genetic transformation using mesenchymal stem cell technologies, pro-oxidant pulses to reduce genetic damage and increasingly robust dietary and lifestyle changes according to individual tolerances and requirements.
- Explore with our patients what they might be doing (or not doing) that impacts their progress across several areas, including potentially toxic environmental exposures, personal habits and the psycho-social, behavioral and spiritual aspects of their lives.