Why Sleep Problems Are Fairly Common Among Both Adults And Children

Why Sleep Problems Are Fairly Common Among Both Adults And Children

A person may feel tired due to a busy schedule or non-stop grinding for a 9 to 5 workload. However, even children can suffer from this issue too. Sleep problems are fairly common among both adults and children. Did you know? Sleep problems are associated with dental problems too. A person suffering from TMJ can also show signs of obstructed breathing. If you want to know about dentists that can analyze dental issues that cause sleeping problems, just click on this link to visit their site.

Sleep Is Important For A Person’s Health

It is true that sleep problems are fairly common among both adults and children. As we age, we see a decrease in hours when sleeping. From 11 hours in children, it becomes 8 hours and some even sleep just for 4 to 5 hours. Our body clock and sleeping pattern start to get disrupted due to many factors such as school, stress, and connectivity to media. With this sleep deprivation, people usually get tired and feel restless. Why is sleep so important? Aside from giving us rest, it also helps our immune system rebuild dead cells and rejuvenate. In addition, it plays a huge role in growth, learning, cognitive abilities, and development of bones.


What Causes Sleepless Nights? 

Sleep problems are fairly common among both adults and children especially if there are many factors affecting them. Stress, according to research is one of the main factors that affect a person’s sleeping patterns. Parasomnia is a category of sleeping disorder that results in unwanted side-effects in a person’s health and even emotional issues. This disorder can have different types and categories associated with the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage. Although, some sleeping disorders are non-REM, they happen frequently and arousals from sleep are still prominent.


A type of REM parasomnia, nightmares are dreams that makes a person wake up with anxiety, fear, embarrassment, anger and other emotions. A person who experiences nightmares often will often have less sleep and will go to sleep at a later hour. They feel that nightmares may come back again and haunt their sleep. People who also had traumatic events during their childhood or even as an adult will often have nightmares.

Sleep Walking

An uncontrolled movement of the body during sleep, sleepwalking is dangerous for a person’s body. A person may appear to be conscious when walking but is actually sleeping. This is risky because a person may fall from the stairs, have contact with sharp objects or may bump his or her head.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

A type of physical problem, obstructive sleep apnea can also cause sleeping problems. This type Sleep Problems Are Fairly Common Among Both Adults And Children Treatmentsof health condition is one of the common reasons why sleep problems are fairly common among both adults and children. The reason being, this can happen as a birth defect or can gradually happen due to accidents or nasal congestion. As mentioned previously, problems such as malocclusion in jaws and teeth can obstruct breathing passageways. You may ask your dentist to find out more about dental appliances that can correct this problem.

Restlessness Due to Trauma

Unexpected cases of traumatic events can also disrupt sleep. A person suffering from insomnia can experience flashbacks of the negative events. Most that have this issue use alcohol or drugs to numb the emotional and physical pain of the trauma. Consequences such as lack of sleep or emotional instability and nightmares are common for them.

Treatments For Sleeping Disorders

If you are suffering from various sleeping disorders, you may want to find professional help. People may use CPAP devices to treat sleep apnea. Doctors may also prescribe sleeping techniques and medicine to help. Moreover, relaxing massages and alternative physical or chiropractic therapies are available too.

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