Is Dental Treatment For Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea Efficient

Is Dental Treatment For Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea Efficient?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that people suffer from no matter what one’s age is. In adults, most sleep apnea causes come from people that are obese. On the other hand, children that experience sleep apnea points to jaw overbite or birth defects. This breathing problem, when untreated, may cause even more problems in the body’s overall function. Treatments for this mild obstructive sleep apnea range from oral appliances, medicine, or via the use of external machinery. Suggestions from a dental clinic near Old Toongabbie mention the effectivity of dental and oral appliances in treating sleep apnea.

Causes of Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea

In reality, people lack a lot of unawareness about mild obstructive sleep apnea as a sleeping disorder. It greatly influences our day to day health conditions as well as how we start our day. Undesired effects such as fatigue, morning headaches, and irritability definitely need a resolution. If left untreated, sleep apnea may branch out to other health diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, and even dementia. There are many factors that contribute to the problem of sleep apnea. It is important that you always check with your doctor if you see any signs or symptoms of this sleeping problem.

Being overweight

It is reported that adults with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 and above experience mild obstructive sleep apnea with an increased 14% risk. Excess body fat constrains the lungs and nasal passages making breathing harder. Doctors encourage people to exercise daily and avoid junk food as well as avoid overeating.


Many people that experience insomnia may find themselves snoring the next time they go to sleep. The problem of insomnia happens vice versa with sleep apnea. These two go hand in hand as one of the most common problems people experience today. Fatigue greatly affects a person’s ability to rest, in both making one tired or overly active. Restlessness is one of the common results when experiencing fatigue. People that look for treatments in their sleeping habits often get a trace of breathing issues unconsciously. It is very much one of the common causes pointed by millions of people when it comes to their mild obstructive sleep apnea.

Treating Sleep Apnea

Curious about what you should do for your mild obstructive sleep apnea? Here are some of the trusted treatments done by patients with this disorder. For dental instruments, make sure that you are cleared of any cavities or oral diseases.

Dental Mouthguards

Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea Dental Mouthguard

Yes, if you are wondering what the answer to the topic is, that yes is the answer. Generally, doctors may refer their sleep apnea patients to dentists that can customize mouthguards for medical and dental reasons. Mouthguards help sleep apnea patients by adjusting the jaw and gums of a person to make way for breathing. In this way, the patient will not snore and the nasal passages may breathe more constantly. If you are looking for Mandibular advancement devices, prepare for dental insurances in advance.

Adjust Sleeping Patterns

Sleeping is a very important part of a person’s rejuvenation. At the same time, your sleeping time isn’t the one you need to fix as well. It is studied that sleeping on your side rather than full-flat helps you breathe. At night when muscles are relaxed, there is a tendency for the tongue to block your breathing. Sleeping at your side decreases the chance for this to happen when sleeping.

Check What Kind of Sleep Apnea You Have

Probably, you’re thinking that you are having mild obstructive sleep apnea only. Ask your partner, family members or relatives to help you in this situation. One needs to know the differences in the symptoms of sleep apnea. There are types of sleep apnea: mild, moderate, and severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea. There are different treatments and severe cases may need surgical procedures. Schedule an appointment with a doctor to professionally diagnose your sleeping disorders.

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