Correcting Two Related Health Issues Deviated Septum And Sleep Apnea

Correcting Two Related Health Issues: Deviated Septum And Sleep Apnea

How does a nose problem affect you when you’re sleeping? A simple vibration when breathing indicates that you are suffering from the many symptoms of sleep apnea.  While you’re not aware of it, snoring or sleep apnea may have roots in how your nose structure is. These issues are usually neglected by people who aren’t familiar with the many dangers of obstruction in the airway. If there is continuous shortness of breath, headache, and even nose bleeding, there are far worse complications in the future. Many doctors suggest that a deviated septum causing snoring and fatigue can get treatments via surgery. Deviated septum and sleep apnea are interrelated with lots of reasons more than you are aware of.

Why are Deviated Septum and Sleep Apnea Connected?

In order to find the relation between these two problems, we need to define what is a deviated septum and sleep apnea. The septum is the cartilage that separates the two passageways in the nostrils. If there is a problem with the septum, a deviated septum, the cartilage may either slant more to the right or to the left. This blocks the airways either partially or completely. The health risks seen in a deviated septum are nasal congestion, snoring, and sinus infection. On the other hand, sleep apnea is another result of the obstruction on the airway. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder due to the fact of obstructions such as a deviated septum. The way deviated septum and sleep apnea are interconnected is very real and needs immediate treatment.

Treating These Nasal Problems

Aside from knowing that deviated septum may cause sleep apnea, there are also other reasons why a person is having difficulty breathing and sleeping. Other reasons such as large tonsils or adenoids, obesity, and allergies may also affect the way you sleep at night. How are deviated septum and sleep apnea treated? Is it possible to get both treatments at the same time? Check out what most doctors recommend when it comes to these nose concerns.

Dental Correction

The basic treatment for sleep apnea is usually through using a mouthguard at night. This dental appliance separates the obstruction from the passageway. It may also align the jaw, the teeth, and prevent teeth grinding issues as well. Although dental appliances like a mouth guard is applicable, they may need more than this treatment.

With CPAP Machines

After having your surgery, you may also encounter another treatment with the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. The machine increases the air pressure to your mouth. Hence, it decreases the obstruction of the breathing airways. It is a great additional help to eliminate the problems that a deviated septum and sleep apnea cause at night.

Removal of Nose Irritants

Aside from the medical treatments that you may get from a specialist, you may also get prescriptions to reduce your nose irritants. Medication for allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, and nasal decongestion are also common.

Through Surgery

Deviated Septum And Sleep Apnea Cosmetic Surgeon Treatment

Septoplasty is the specific treatment regarding surgical care for a deviated septum. The way it is beneficial is that it aligns the nose to be straight again by reconfiguring the cartilage tissue in the center. The process of surgery needs to be inside the nose and thus will require a lot of time. It is important to prepare for this surgery as there are many risks and challenges not just for the doctor but also for you.

How To Prepare For The Surgery

Having a surgical treatment is a major decision that takes all the right preparation. Being well fit such as avoiding smoking or alcohol consumption is required. You may also have to stop some of your medications too. If you’re planning to surgically fix your nose problems, it is important to get a diagnosis first. You will get an x-ray when you first visit a Septoplasty specialist. You may also need to indicate any health concerns before you get the nose surgery.

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